_validateThe list of all the deferred plugins.
Activate all the deferred plugins.
A promise which will resolve when each plugin is activated or rejects with an error if one cannot be activated.
Deactivate the plugin and its downstream dependents if and only if the
plugin and its dependents all support deactivate
The ID of the plugin of interest.
A list of IDs of downstream plugins deactivated with this one.
Register a plugin with the application.
The plugin to register.
An error will be thrown if a plugin with the same ID is already registered, or if the plugin has a circular dependency.
If the plugin provides a service which has already been provided by another plugin, the new service will override the old service.
Resolve an optional service of a given type.
A promise which resolves to an instance of the requested
service, or null
if it cannot be resolved.
Services are singletons. The same instance will be returned each time a given service token is resolved.
If the plugin which provides the service has not been activated, resolving the service will automatically activate the plugin.
User code will not typically call this method directly. Instead, the optional services for the user's plugins will be resolved automatically when the plugin is activated.
Resolve a required service of a given type.
A promise which resolves to an instance of the requested service, or rejects with an error if it cannot be resolved.
Services are singletons. The same instance will be returned each time a given service token is resolved.
If the plugin which provides the service has not been activated, resolving the service will automatically activate the plugin.
User code will not typically call this method directly. Instead, the required services for the user's plugins will be resolved automatically when the plugin is activated.
Plugin registry.