Class MimeData

An object which stores MIME data for general application use.


This class does not attempt to enforce "correctness" of MIME types and their associated data. Since this class is designed to transfer arbitrary data and objects within the same application, it assumes that the user provides correct and accurate data.


  • MimeData



_types: string[] = []
_values: any[] = []


  • Remove the data entry for the given MIME type.


    • mime: string

      The MIME type of interest.


      This is a no-op if there is no entry for the given MIME type.

    Returns void

  • Get the data value for the given MIME type.


    • mime: string

      The MIME type of interest.

    Returns any

    The value for the given MIME type, or undefined if the dataset does not contain a value for the type.

  • Test whether the dataset has an entry for the given type.


    • mime: string

      The MIME type of interest.

    Returns boolean

    true if the dataset contains a value for the given MIME type, false otherwise.

  • Set the data value for the given MIME type.


    • mime: string

      The MIME type of interest.

    • data: unknown

      The data value for the given MIME type.


      This will overwrite any previous entry for the MIME type.

    Returns void

  • Get an array of the MIME types contained within the dataset.

    Returns string[]

    A new array of the MIME types, in order of insertion.

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