Type alias ElementAttrNames
ElementAttrNames: "abbr" | "accept" | "accept-charset" | "accesskey" | "action" | "allowfullscreen" | "alt" | "autocomplete" | "autofocus" | "autoplay" | "autosave" | "checked" | "cite" | "cols" | "colspan" | "contenteditable" | "controls" | "coords" | "crossorigin" | "data" | "datetime" | "default" | "dir" | "dirname" | "disabled" | "download" | "draggable" | "dropzone" | "enctype" | "form" | "formaction" | "formenctype" | "formmethod" | "formnovalidate" | "formtarget" | "headers" | "height" | "hidden" | "high" | "href" | "hreflang" | "id" | "inputmode" | "integrity" | "ismap" | "kind" | "label" | "lang" | "list" | "loop" | "low" | "max" | "maxlength" | "media" | "mediagroup" | "method" | "min" | "minlength" | "multiple" | "muted" | "name" | "novalidate" | "optimum" | "pattern" | "placeholder" | "poster" | "preload" | "readonly" | "rel" | "required" | "reversed" | "rows" | "rowspan" | "sandbox" | "scope" | "selected" | "shape" | "size" | "sizes" | "span" | "spellcheck" | "src" | "srcdoc" | "srclang" | "srcset" | "start" | "step" | "tabindex" | "target" | "title" | "type" | "typemustmatch" | "usemap" | "value" | "width" | "wrap"
The names of the supported HTML5 DOM element attributes.
This list is not all-encompassing, rather it attempts to define the attribute names which are relevant for use in a virtual DOM context. If a standardized or widely supported name is missing, please open an issue to have it added.
The attribute names were collected from the following sources: