An options object for initializing a accordion panel.

interface IOptions {
    alignment?: SplitLayout.Alignment;
    layout?: AccordionLayout;
    orientation?: SplitLayout.Orientation;
    renderer?: AccordionLayout.IRenderer;
    spacing?: number;
    titleSpace?: number;



The content alignment of the layout.

The default is 'start'.

The accordion layout to use for the accordion panel.

If this is provided, the other options are ignored.

The default is a new AccordionLayout.

orientation?: SplitLayout.Orientation

The orientation of the layout.

The default is 'horizontal'.

The renderer to use for the accordion layout.

spacing?: number

The spacing between items in the layout.

The default is 4.

titleSpace?: number

The section title height or width depending on the orientation.

The default is 22.