An options object for initializing a text renderer.

Hierarchy (view full)


backgroundColor?: CellRenderer.ConfigOption<string>

The background color for the cells.

The default is ''.

The ellipsis direction for the cell text.

The default is 'none'.

font?: CellRenderer.ConfigOption<string>

The font for drawing the cell text.

The default is '12px sans-serif'.

format?: FormatFunc

The format function for the renderer.

The default is TextRenderer.formatGeneric().

The horizontal alignment for the cell text.

The default is 'left'.

horizontalPadding?: number

The horizontal padding for the cell text in pixels.

The default is 8.

textColor?: CellRenderer.ConfigOption<string>

The color for the drawing the cell text.

The default '#000000'.

The URL address

urlName?: CellRenderer.ConfigOption<string>

The friendly link name.

The default is the URL itself.

The vertical alignment for the cell text.

The default is 'center'.

wrapText?: CellRenderer.ConfigOption<boolean>

Whether or not to apply text wrapping.

The default is 'false'.