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Module h

The namespace for the h function statics.


  • Create a new virtual element node.


    • tag: string

      The tag name for the element.

    • Rest ...children: Child[]

      The children for the element, if any.

    Returns VirtualElement

    A new virtual element node for the given parameters.


    The children may be string literals, other virtual nodes, null, or an array of those things. Strings are converted into text nodes, and arrays are inlined as if the array contents were given as positional arguments. This makes it simple to build up an array of children by any desired means. null child values are simply ignored.

    A bound function for each HTML tag name is available as a static function attached to the h() function. E.g. h('div', ...) is equivalent to h.div(...).

  • The namespace for the h function statics.


    Returns VirtualElement

  • The namespace for the h function statics.


    Returns VirtualElement

  • The namespace for the h function statics.


    Returns VirtualElement


Type aliases


Child: null | string | VirtualText | VirtualElement | Array<string | VirtualNode | null>

A type alias for the supported child argument types.


Const a

a: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'a')

Const abbr

abbr: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'abbr')

Const address

address: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'address')

Const area

area: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'area')

Const article

article: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'article')

Const aside

aside: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'aside')

Const audio

audio: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'audio')

Const b

b: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'b')

Const bdi

bdi: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'bdi')

Const bdo

bdo: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'bdo')

Const blockquote

blockquote: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'blockquote')

Const br

br: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'br')

Const button

button: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'button')

Const canvas

canvas: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'canvas')

Const caption

caption: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'caption')

Const cite

cite: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'cite')

Const code

code: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'code')

Const col

col: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'col')

Const colgroup

colgroup: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'colgroup')

Const data

data: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'data')

Const datalist

datalist: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'datalist')

Const dd

dd: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'dd')

Const del

del: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'del')

Const dfn

dfn: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'dfn')

Const div

div: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'div')

Const dl

dl: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'dl')

Const dt

dt: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'dt')

Const em

em: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'em')

Const embed

embed: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'embed')

Const fieldset

fieldset: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'fieldset')

Const figcaption

figcaption: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'figcaption')

Const figure

figure: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'figure')

Const footer

footer: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'footer')

Const form

form: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'form')

Const h1

h1: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'h1')

Const h2

h2: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'h2')

Const h3

h3: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'h3')

Const h4

h4: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'h4')

Const h5

h5: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'h5')

Const h6

h6: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'h6')

Const header

header: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'header')

Const hr

hr: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'hr')

Const i

i: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'i')

Const iframe

iframe: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'iframe')

Const img

img: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'img')

Const input

input: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'input')

Const ins

ins: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'ins')

Const kbd

kbd: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'kbd')

Const label

label: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'label')

Const legend

legend: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'legend')

Const li

li: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'li')

Const main

main: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'main')

Const map

map: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'map')

Const mark

mark: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'mark')

Const meter

meter: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'meter')

Const nav

nav: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'nav')

Const noscript

noscript: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'noscript')

Const object

object: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'object')

Const ol

ol: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'ol')

Const optgroup

optgroup: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'optgroup')

Const option

option: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'option')

Const output

output: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'output')

Const p

p: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'p')

Const param

param: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'param')

Const pre

pre: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'pre')

Const progress

progress: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'progress')

Const q

q: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'q')

Const rp

rp: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'rp')

Const rt

rt: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'rt')

Const ruby

ruby: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'ruby')

Const s

s: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 's')

Const samp

samp: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'samp')

Const section

section: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'section')

Const select

select: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'select')

Const small

small: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'small')

Const source

source: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'source')

Const span

span: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'span')

Const strong

strong: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'strong')

Const sub

sub: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'sub')

Const summary

summary: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'summary')

Const sup

sup: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'sup')

Const table

table: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'table')

Const tbody

tbody: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'tbody')

Const td

td: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'td')

Const textarea

textarea: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'textarea')

Const tfoot

tfoot: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'tfoot')

Const th

th: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'th')

Const thead

thead: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'thead')

Const time

time: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'time')

Const title

title: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'title')

Const tr

tr: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'tr')

Const track

track: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'track')

Const u

u: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'u')

Const ul

ul: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'ul')

Const var_

var_: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'var')

Const video

video: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'video')

Const wbr

wbr: IFactory = h.bind(undefined, 'wbr')

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